Whuddup Peeps! Chadley here. How is everyone? Good. Well, the Indiana Jones news keeps pouring in as we get closer and closer to the newest intallment of the franchise, entitled
Indiana Jones and Shia LaBoef and the King Crystal Skulls which is opening everywhere March 20th. As you all probably know by now, the movie follows a young Indiana Jones (La Boef) on his first heist. (Think
Junior Begins). With rumors of Harrison Ford being attached, look for a cameo by the older Indy, possibly narrating the whole thingy. I am looking forward to a
Goodfella 3 type of ending, where we find a decrepit old Indy alone and dying. If we see that all of the riches Indy stole over the years merely left him by lonely and unloved, it would add a lot to the character. I think that would be a really awesome ending. Anyway, as the rumor mill spins, or turns (or whatever mills do), more scuttlenutts come in everyday. Amongst the latest bitties:
-Shia La Boef will appear shirtless for at least one scene, and may in fact bare his beautiful ass.

-Sean Connery will appear just long enough to repeat the now classic line "Great party, pity I didn't R.S.V.P."
-Steven Spielberger has hinted this may not be the last we see of....
Indiana Jones....
-Rumor has it that the crew has built an exact replica of the Temple of
Doom, of which plot may once again revolve around.
-Apparently this prequel/renvisioning finally explains how Indy got that
distinctive scar across his face. (Hint: think whips)
-Apparently, the Japanese boy from Goonies will be back, once again
discgracing Asians with his funny little ways.
Anyway keep your peepers and potatos peeled!
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