Chaz here, whuzzup!? I heard the new Bond flick has gotten a new title, which is really awesome. My favorite thing to do between the 2 to 8 year gaps between Bond movies is to either imagine what the new title will be and then think of a story based on that hypothetical title OR after I have heard what the new title of the forthcoming Bond movie is, I then try to come up with a story in my head that goes with the title, often ammending it as new casting and plot news comes in. This news of the new title comes via our favorite scooper who likes to go by HammeroftheMods667:
"Heads up douchebags, the announced the name of the new Bond flick. Its based on Ian Andersen's first Bond novel of the same title. If you don't post this, you straight clownin'"
Great! Thanks Hammer! The title is quite a departure from the normal "Odd Statement that is Slightly Off" formula for a Bond title. Anyway, I for one am thrilled, and right now I am picturing what kind of a crazy plot would befit this fascinating title. As you know Daniel Fergusen will reprise his role of Bond in the latest installment, due in theaters this summer.
-Chaz B.
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