Hey guys, no time for salutations. We just got word from our exclusive source that Superman Begins star Brandon Walsh will not, I repeat will not return to the role of Superman in the sequel. As totally unbelievable as it sounds, it seems like this scoop is legit. Just when they finally rescue Superman from development hell, and restore the character to its darker, grittier, (and frankly sexier) roots they go and pull this curveball?! Who ever runs Universal must be smoking salvia. After Superman 5: The Quest for World Peace, fans waited 11 long years for the next installment in the franchise, which promised to finally answer all the burning questions about Superman fans have long had. Why does he have powers? Where did he come from? Why does he bother working for a newspaper when he could easily steal all the money as he wants? All of those queries were answered in Begins, and how! The movie was universally praised and remains one of the most surprisingly successful movies of all time. Grossing more than anyone could have possibly anticipated, Superman Begins remains a rare, untouchable film that every movie fan loves, without exception.
The most mind-blowingly amazing aspect of this film was the pitch-perfect casting of Brandon Walsh as Superman/Clark Kents. The news that this talented, intelligent, competent (and frankly sexy) actor extraordinaire will be putting away the mask and gloves for good made my shit come out in liquid form this morning. Could have been the chock full of nuts, but I am leaning towards Walsh being out.

According to my source a rift between the actor and studio is at the heart of the split. Apparently Universal was a little upset at the way Brandon filled out his signature red panties in the first one. The studio was nonplussed by his swinging pendulum. The ultimatum? Wear a SuperSock in your panties or say goodnight. Brandon said no, and the rest is history. I am devastated. If they wanted Superman to sport a colossal set of human male genitals, they shouldn't have cast a 12-year-old in the role. MESSAGE TO UNIVERSAL: Get your priorities straight. Oh and this does not bode well for Justice Leagues of the Americas. Buncha whores.
Anyway keep your..... whatever.

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