Monday, April 21, 2008

Benicio Del Toro to Direct Hobbits?

Hey Peeps 'N Peeps,
Wow, what a refreshing weekend. I spent most of the time on I just got a new profile there, and its a lot of fun. I know, I have said time and time again: I will never get a myspace account. And yet here I stand, humbled, humilated and apologizing for my hasty assesment of the social networking site
Anyway, there have been many rumors about The Hobbits, the Lord of the Rings reimagining which is supposed to be a sort of prequel and also combine the first 3. Its said to be guided more towards children as well. I personally didn't really understand the first 3 (such as why elves are tall) but I am looking forward to more Frodem, Aragorn, Gimmles, Gandolfini, and all of our favorite characters. Benicio Del Toro (pic. left) director of Hellboy, Hellboy 2, I think he did Spy Kids too, is rumored to be the first choice.

The thing about myspace I dont get is how you activate friends. I don't know if that is supposed to happen automatically, but its not working on my profile. I think I only have 6 friends or so, but a lot of people have tons of friends. Not sure....

Anyway, keep your peeps close and your peepers closer!!!
-Chad Quince B.

Friday, April 18, 2008

New X-Files Movie Details Emerge! SPOILERS!!!!

Hey Peep-philes,
To quote a phrase with resounding impact in the Sci-Fi community, The Truth is Around Here Somewhere!! That's right...Its an exciting day X-Files fans as new details about the sequel emerge! Apparently published exclusive details about what we now know to be called X-Files: The Motion Picture: Part II; Seeing is Believing. Our contact over at sent us this plot synapses:

Hey Weak-heads! Greetings from Internets (hahahah! I just love those funny names for the internet! Like interwebs, or intracom, or!!! HAHAHAH! Fucking HA! Its funny because it feigns ignorance when we are all pretty savvy at by now: Interwebs! HAHAHA! Its even funnier when its unexpected. ) First off: We at were shocked and stunned to hear about the death of Richie. He was a great kid. Anyway this is Pete from and have I got the mother of all SPOILERS for you: the plot details of X-Files: The Motion Picture: Part 2; Seeing is Believing. Apparently the plot revolves around 2 FBI agents investigating paranormal phenomena in dismal Vancouver, BC. If you want to print this, the name's Pete.

WOW! The Details about this movie come from leaked information from the X-Files: The Motion Picture: Part II; Seeing is Believing official movie novelization: (pic left)

BTWay- That was a really special thing to say about Richie guys, and I know he appreciates it. Or he would, if he was still alive. Anyway, keep your pissers peeled open for new X-files scuttlebutt.

-Chadley Quince Bebay

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ironed Man Reviews Cum Squirting in!!!

Hey peeps-in-boots, Chadley here.

Weakey is slowly putting itself back together after our founder and my best friend Richie Deschamps succumb to Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia last month. The outpouring of support from the fans, we call them Weak-Heads, has been immense. Thanks so much and Weak On!

Richie will sadly miss Ironed Man, his second most anticpated summer blockbuster behind Dark Night. (By the way, does anyone know how to disable his profile on blogspot? I feel its creepy to let it linger.) Anyway, we got the first take on the Morton Downey Jr. Superhero flick from Jesus667 over at Hispanic Review sent us this bit of nut-fodder:

"Hey Whiteboys (edit: he doesn't realize Richie is dead, or that I am a third Puerto Rican-Chadley) I got this tasty little review of the new Ironed Man. You are gonna have to totally pleasure yourself when you see this flick. I mean you are gonna whip out your throbbing pecker and fucking grip it so fucking hard, violently tugging on that thick shit until you fucking shoot pearly ropes of baby-batter all over the fat loser in front of you at the theater. I suggest yanking it hard until the first signs of glistening precum starts to collect in your dickhole, then try and keep the tension until you see Ironed Man's first appearence, then as soon as you see him, flick your left nut really hard and release your chunky, gelatious dick-stew into your popcorn and then eat it."

From the sound of Jesus667, this is gonna be one messy movie. I cannot wait!!! I was invited to a test-screening tomorrow night, so I will post my review on Wednesday. Until then, keep your peeholes peeled.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Richie Memorial Fund / Ironed Man News/ Hulk Update/ Punisher Scuttlebutt

Hey e-poops, Its nice to finally get back on here. Since Richie passed away last week things have been really crazy. I have been helping Richie's family and all that. Well, his mom and I have decided to organize the Richie Deschamps Memorial Fund for the Arts, which we predict will do an awesome job of preserving his memory and put some back into the community, for a great cause! Look for an official announcement on Entertainment Weakey and please PR me if you wanna know where to send donations. You guys are really awesome and I can't wait to hear from you. By the way... I heard from Richie's Mom that his last moments were spent lamenting over the fact that he would not get to see Dark Night. I thought this, while tragic, was so indicitive of Richie's passion for movies. He will be missed.

Alright, now that thats out of the way, on with the news-

Ironed Man is going fullsteam ahead, no pun intended, and we are really excited. Well, I am really excited. Still weird to be doing this alone. Hmmm... Anyway, look for this exciting flick to flack your fluck from here to there and back again baaaaaby!

The Hulk Crush Summer Competiton! Ha! I just love speaking in that broken "Hulk-Talk", its really just so funny. Anyway, we got Ed Norman as Bryce Banner, and he has vowed to give us the ultimate Hulk movie. I can't wait. I hope that they make him even bigger, greener, and more CGI'd then the original.

You've been a bad l'il mutherfucker. Prepare to get Punished, by... the Punisher! He swings into theaters this summer, flying over the competiton, and swooping from rooftops, landing all over the competion, crushing them with the force that can only come from dropping from a high place, right? Get it? He is swinging and swooping and flying and stuff.
Anyway, looks like Marvin Comics will pawn the competition this summer. I cannot wait.

-Chadley BeBay

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Richie Deschamps 1987-2008

It is with great sadness that I must inform you of the untimely departure of Entertainment Weakey creator Richard Deschamps from our world. He was a bright and shining star and will be dearly missed. He bravely fought for his life, and he was loved. I love you man, and this blog showed me how one man can touch greatness, and I will not let you down. I will take the reigns, sweet Richie, and as they say in Showbiz...
The Show Must Go On!

In other news, the Dark Nights super-marketing campaign is really heating up! Harvey Dee Williams is running for congress, the Joker is doing something on his website, and there are many Gotham Bugle Entries. Keep an eye on those websites!!!

Alright peeps, more news to come after Richies funeral.

Email me for information on the where and when.
