-The main villian will be Max Luthor and his scheme will revolve around OPEC robots.
-The Flash will be a younger, hipper, sexier character then we have seen in previous incarnations (unlike ABC's hit 90's show starring John Wilkes Boothe.)
-Wonderman will have a love scene and we hear its pretty steamy stuff! Not to give too much away but here's a hint: She falls for a human (with an affinity for fish...)
-Bale will make an appearence!!! (Comics fans know Bale as the murderous ex-wrestler-cum-criminal mastermind from the Batman: Knighttime story arc)
-Batman himself will only have about 6 minutes of screen time. This is around the same amount of screen-time the character had in 1998's Batman-on-Film.com: The Motion Picture, which many feel is responsible for the movies poor box office performance. (Warners: PLEASE FUCKING RETHINK THIS!)
-Bizzarro will also cameo, no doubt dropping such gems as "Me am hungry" at every turn
Keep your eyes peeled for exciting new devolpements as they come in!!
my mom has 2 dicks and I bit one of 'em real hard
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