Whoo! Chadley Q. Bebay here, refreshed and ready for action after a wonderful Thanksgiving vacation. When I got back from Nana's I was greeted with tons of new infectious marketing websites for the newest, potentially greatest installment of the Batman franchise, The Black Knight. Infectious websites have popped up everywhere! Some notables: MetropolisPolice.com, Whyyousoserious.com, Batman-Up-Jett's-Ass.com, 1-18-08.com, and my personal fav RememberingVagina.com. The kicker? Emperor Magazine/Hecamehesawhekickedsomeass.com which slowly gave us this, the first reveal of the Riddler:
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
There is strong debate whether the Riddler will have a permanent mask or if it will be removable. According the the comic organ, the Riddler is dropped in to a square container of biological waste, permanently afiixing his green domino mask to his face. Marc Bolan, director of of Black Knight, has stated he wants his Riddler to be "More realistic, cunning, and absolutely sexy..." The removable mask certainly is more realistic, but I am not sure. I guess I will have to trust Bolan, who won me over with Batman: Beginnings. I have no reason to doubt his genius. Fans have also butted butts over the casting of Heath "Broken Back Mounting" Legend, who will arguably fit the expectation of a "younger, hipper, sexier Riddler." Well, I can't wait to hear more! There are some pretty crazy rumors out there. Among the most outrageous: Batman may get a new costume (okay...sure.) Robin may die in this installment (could see that), and the grandaddy of all unlikely rumors: That Anthony Michaels may make a cameo as....wait for it....still....come on now....keep waiting...Oh shit. Oh God no...I think left my cat in the dryer.
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