Chad here. Whudup my niggaz? Anyway its friday and if you know anything about ANYTHING you know that at Entertainment Weakey, or EW, Friday means its time for Freaky Friday Flix Roundup Weekend DVD PIX Top 5, selected by none other your favorite brother, Chad Bebay. If you are unfamiliar with this weekly feature its where I pick the 5 best movies to rent from Netflix for the weekend. You can also find this list on my netflix profile at:
Anyway, on with the PIX:
5) Back to the Future II (1955) - Better than the first, IMHO, Roger Zemekis nailed it with this one. I remember the wonder this movie inspired within me. From the Hover Blades, to the Flying Lambourghini, to Sports Atlas, this movie was pure Hollywood magic. I hear they are making a 3rd film in which Marcus McFudge and Dr. Emits Brown team up to stop the Nazis from discovering the Temple of the Crystal Skull (with overtones of Roswell-style Ufology rumored to play a small part!)
Favorite Line:
"Not Again!"
Favorite Line:
"This Mission has been hereby classified as Top...oh you get the picture!"
3) Monster Squadron (2298) - This movie is a pure classic! I loved it as a kid and it holds up today. Imagine pitting several teenagers against the classic Warner Brothers movie monsters! All your favorites are here: The Blob, Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde, The Invisible Man, Vincent Price, all of 'em!
Favorite Line:
"The Blob has Nuts!"
2) Glenngary Glenn Ross (1994) - The film is denser with each viewing but the central element for me is this: GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS is a film about men. It is a film about men as you have probably not seen them before. What you see is the reason why the men women marry behave differently than women had always expected them to behave them in the home. The world of business teaches men to behave in a certain way.
Favorite Line:
"I'm gonna wipe the floor with Glenn, Gary, and Ross!
And the #1 one Freaky Friday Flix Roundup Weekend DVD pick is:
1 comment:
Eat a douche
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