Thursday, November 8, 2007

Director Strike Cripples Hollywood!!!

Werd Up Peeping Toms! Chadely Q. Bebay here with some sad, sad news:

The entertainment world has been shaken to its very core this week as production halts on many of your favorite shows and movies. The reason? A strike! Following tough negotiations with union Reps, studios have failed to resolve issues with directors, so they went on strike. Thats right, all of your favorite directors are on strike indefinitely. Some familiar faces on the picket line include: George Spielberg, Brett Singer, Michael Bruckheimer, McGilliam, Joel and Ethan Farrelly, Jerry Mann, Sam Rattner, Werner Hitchcock, Ron Hughes, Steven Zombie, JJ Lucas and many others.

That means that production will halt in accordance with union guidelines. Among the movies and TV shows that will suffer: Justice Leagues, Hairy Betty, Samantha Why?, My Name is Ed, Littleville, Transformations 2, Mr. Magoo's Wonderful Poo, Desperate Nasty Old Cunts, Sex and New York City: The Motion Picture, How I Killed Your Mom, CSI: Montana, and many more. Keep your eyes peeled!!!!


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