Hey Peep-Smears!!!! Chadley B.A. (Bad Attitude) BeBay here with our annual year end deluxe blowout spectacular! In this article we will give our top picks for new DVD releases, as well as our favorite flix in theaters now! First my top 5 new DVD releases:
5)Doctor Who Season 49 - Anyone who is a fan of Sci-Fi is a fan of "Who." the longest running psychadelic, weird looking, science-fiction comedy is back for a 50th season this fall. Before you tune into the new season, which has once again recast its titualar character (the 64th actor to play the iconic role), make sure you catch season 49. While each season usually has its own unique story-arc, its best to start at season 1 and watch them in order. For the die hard fans, Doctor Who: The Complete Series will be released next summer, with a retail price of $1,568,740.86

Okay, so I dont have 5 DVD picks but I will continue with my Favorite movies in Theaters Now!

Well, thats all I got folks, have a great new year, and drive safe!!!
PS- Always use an alcohol vaporizer on holidays if you plan to drive. Keep your peepers peeled!