Wednesday, February 20, 2008

EW goes to TV!!! Two Face Revealed!!! And Thanks from Weakey!!!

Hey peepadactyls!!! Chadley here. A lot of crazy news! First of all... We were able to raise $44,600.00 for Richie Deschamps's blood transfusion. As you may know, Richie contracted a rare blood disease and needs money for a transfusion, or he may not make it until summer. Luckily we are on the right track and it looks like Richie will pull through just fine. At right is a picture of the kick-ass fund raiser we had last Friday.
ALSO- Entertainment Weakey has just signed a contract to produce short video news segments featuring Chad and Richie commenting on all the latest news!!! Fuck, this is gonna be huge folks!!! We are taping now, and it will be online soon.
In other news... In movie news, (thats what we are all here for right?) TWO FACE HAS BEEN REVEALED! We all know that Dark Knights is finally going to be released after being effectively derailed by the Director's Strike. What we haven't seen until now is a picture of Two-Face, the maniacal villian set to make a camero in Dark Knights. Well, a scooper sent us this exclusive pic of the Two-Face action figure as he appears in new flick. Its a little blurry but you get the point:

Alright forks, keep yer peepers peepin, and we'll see ya on TV soon!

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