Hey Peepadoodles! Chad here,
Remember that Richie's benefit is tomorrow night at Fortuna's in the lower east section of NYC. The celebration starts at eight and will feature Garbage War Kids, Tokyo Police Cops, The Barons, and Cat Pooter. Its gonna be huge, and word is TWZ.com may send a correspondent so I may be moving up in the showbiz jounalism pretty soon, folks!! But really this all about Richie and his blood tranfusion. And its about a human life. Richie is going through a potentially fatal health crisis right now. He needs the fans to finally give back. 50 dollars at the door.
Anyway, today is not only Saint Valentine's it all marks the release of the Indian Jones and the Crystal Skull King teaser trailer. I am really looking forward to seeing Shia Laboof as a younger, hipper, and frankly sexier Mr. Jones. I can't wait. And we all know I have been rooting for the "Goodfella 3" style ending where India Jones laments over a life of crime and maybe even gives all those pricelss objects to the Smithoseum....Naawwwww! that AINT Indy!!!!
Anyway here the new trailer features Shia Laboof fighting with what appears to be an evil version of himself, we see older India swing by his signature cat o' nine tails into a moving SUV then proclaiming "I thought I was younger!!!" Anyway the trailer is amazing and even hints at an alien conspiracy (we see crates that are clearly marked ROSEBUD, a reference to the famous alleged UFO crash in Rosebud NJ.) This flick is gonna have it all and I cannot wait!!! Oh Shit! What the fuck am I gonna do until then?!?! I'm gonna cut myself.... HA HA HA!! I'M A-GONNA CUT my selff!!! AHHH HA HA HA HA!!!!
Well here is the link to the new trailer....enjoy and keep your eyes peeled!
http://youtube.com/watch?v=vpNwpJfQaEQ-Chadley Q. Bebay
PS- Seeya at the Richie Benefit