"I am not the comic book type, as you may have gathered from my respectable roles in that cooking movie, and Thanks For Not Smoking, but when Marc Bolan approached me about the role of SPOILERS: Two Face, I couldn't resist. This aint your grandaddy's SPOILERS: Two-Face, but rather a younger, hipper, and absolutely sexy Harvey Dent/SPOILERS: Two-Face. I hope I will be back for future installments, hence the headline Eckhart thinks about the future"
Well, there ya go guys! Sounds like Erin is taking this role very seriously. And that's what we need from SPOILERS: Two-Face, one serious motherfucker. Or should I say SPOILERS: Two serious motherfuckers.

In other news, as Dark Knights approaches its July release, more news on the soundtrack pours in. One question remains: Will Prince be back? Our source says yes:
"Hey Weak-heads, I got some super-scoop about Prince doin' the soundtrack. I found this production still which shows Prince reembodying SPOILERS: Two-Face, Joker, and Batman in what looks like a music video. My friend close to the production told me this for a brand new song called 2 Happy 2 Cry, 2Sad 2 Face U . If you publish this, please call me The Artist Formerly Known as Dr. Boobs. "
Holy shit-dick this is an amazing week for Dark Knights news, and for Entertainment Weakey since we also have this exclusive photo of the new Dark Knights ride: SPOILERS BELOW:
Keep your peeps close but your peepers closer!
-Chadley Quince BeBay
-Chadley Quince BeBay